Car rental services in Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra means that (Online Car Hire aggregation ) providing rent a car or online car booking services in Mahabaleshwar, India.
This service useful for the traveler who wants to travel within city or for local sightseeing within the city limits but can not use for point to point taxi or radio taxi or call taxi. Local usage car rental service divided into two types of services : Full Day Local, Half Day Local
1. Full Day: This service is nothing but a small package of CCR for Mahabaleshwar local city usages that it is also called as 8Hrs / 80kms package. Local Full Day service is available anytime for local trips like shopping, sightseeing, attending schools and meetings, or for visiting hospitals.
2. Half Day: This service also another one small package of CCR for Mahabaleshwar local city usages that it is also called as 4Hrs / 40kms package. Local Half Day service is available anytime for half day car hire like Airport Transfer, Railway Transfer, attending schools and meetings, or for visiting hospitals in Mahabaleshwar.
Transfer taxi services is useful for the travellers who wants only pickups and drops facility means transfer from one Mahabaleshwar place to another like airport pickups and drops, railway station pickups and drops, bus stand pickups and drops and hotels pickups and drops. We would see to it that our drivers/chauffeurs are at the spot in time. For more detail information and pricing please check our mahabaleshwar transfer taxi page.
Mahabaleshwar Sightseeing Taxi Rates
Below are Mahabaleshwar Sightseeing Taxi tour details like Signts, duration and rates.
Mahabaleshwar Tour 1Duration: 2.5 hrsTariff: Rs. 550Sights covered:
Mahabaleshwar Tour 2Duration: 2.5 hrsTariff: Rs. 550Sights covered:
Mahabaleshwar Tour 3Duration: 2.5 hrsTariff: Rs. 550Sights covered:
Pratapgad TourDuration: 3 hrsTariff: Rs. 1000Sights covered:
Panchgani DarshanDuration: 2.5 hrsTariff: Rs. 700Sights covered:
Panchgani/Wai DarshanDuration: 3 hrsTariff: Rs. 1000Sights covered:
Tapola DarshanDuration: 3 hrsTariff: Rs. 1000Sights covered:
Other Local Drops
Price do not include
Other costs not offered in this program
Tip for your tour guide